Pocket Pet Services

Wellness exams, disease prevention and grooming for tiny pets.

They may be small in size, but pocket pets take up a large space in the hearts of animal lovers everywhere. Chinchillas, hedgehogs, rats, gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters and everything in between have been treated by our veterinary team here at Champlain Animal Hospital. To schedule your tiny companion’s next checkup and to learn more about how to properly care for them, please call us at 705-742-4243.

Are pocket pets easier to take care of compared with dogs or cats?

It really depends, but just like any pet of any size, pocket pets require a certain amount of time, attention and money. They may not need to be taken out on walks, but pocket pets have unique needs that you need to watch out for, so that they live a healthy life. It’s important to research if the kind of pocket you would like will be a good fit for your home, family and lifestyle.

How long do pocket pets live?

There is a wider variety of life spans when it comes to pocket pets. Some birds like parrots can live up to 80 years! On the other hand, hamsters and rats usually live for only about 3 years. This is definitely something that you have to keep in mind when making a commitment to your tiny companion.

Can people be allergic to pocket pets?

Unfortunately, yes. If you or anyone in your home has asthma, you should probably avoid pocket pets that have long hair or fur. Some allergy-friendly pocket pets are: parakeets, canaries, bearded dragons and goldfish.

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